Welcome to my personal webpage !

I am an observer working at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. My research focuses on massive stars. I am using ground and space-based facilities on world-class observational instruments through open time competition. Expert in multi-wavelength (Far-UV, Optical, Far-IR) analysis, I use and collect data from spectroscopy, photometry, interferometry to derive the observational properties of massive single stars and multiple systems in the Local Group. I also develop and apply state-of-the-art atmosphere models and spectral disentangling to measure fundamental properties of Gravitational Wave progenitors leading to improve our understanding of their formation, evolution and final fates.

If you want to know more about me, it is right here...

Research interests & Publications

My list of publications contains 94 peer-reviewed publications (h-index 30).

Teaching & Outreach

As an academic, transmission of knowledge is a big part of my daily work. During my free time, I also like to raise awareness of people among the beauty of dark night.

Find out more about my teaching and outreach experiences here...


If you wish to get in contact with me, you will find all the informations below. Do not hesitate to reach me via all the different platforms.

Useful Links

  • IvS homepage: fys.kuleuven.be/ster
  • Mercator homepage: mercator.iac.es/

  • AGO homepage: ago.ulg.ac.be
  • TIGRE homepage: gaphe.ulg.ac.be/HRT

  • SIMBAD: simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/
  • ADS: adsabs.harvard.edu
  • arXiv: arxiv.org/list/astro-ph.SR

  • MAST: archive.stsci.edu
  • ESO data portal: archive.eso.org
  • Elodie OHP archives: atlas.obs-hp.fr/elodie/
  • Sophie OHP archives: atlas.obs-hp.fr/sophie/
  • Polarbase archives: polarbase.irap.omp.eu